More on Romulan
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Been blazing more Romulan this week and this stuff is incredible. I usually get a caffiene-like effect from pot, but this stuff is like rocket fuel. I am getting so much work done, cleaning the house, one thing to the next. If I do sit down to relax, my mind is still running at hyper speed. Whoa. I like it.
Planting Seeds
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Once your seeds start to sprout (see Starting Seeds 03/14/2012 and Seed Sprouting 03/24/2012) it is time to plant them.

First, make a little hole in the soil with your finger.

And gently place the sprout inside, squiggly tail end is the root, put that end down; two leaves will unfurl from the seed end, put that part up, close to the surface of the soil.

Then carefully push the soil in around the sprout.

Covering the sprout so it is only about 1/8 or a 1/4 inch under the surface of the soil.

In just a few days some will start to push their way up, like this:

and this:

Have fun! ~ DAZEY
DAZE of the WEEK
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Medium density. Frosty nugs have little green leaves peaking through and pink hairs.
Smell is very powerful, a combination of lemons and dry cheese.
Tastes like lemonade, maybe pink lemonade b/c of the color.
Sour Diesel is a 90/10 Sativa/Indica hybrid. Recommended for headache, migraine, nausea, depression, and more. (
Seed Sprouting
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Free the herb! Planting marijuana anywhere is a great way to promote freedom and righteousness. These cannabis seeds are sprouting and are ready to go into the soil.
The taily end is the root, so put that end down. The leaves will unfold from the part still inside the seed, so put that part up, just below the surface of the soil.
How would you like that?
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Daze of the Week
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Medium-high density. Yellowish nugs have orange hairs and lots of crystals.
Smell is light, hay in the sunshine and pineapple.
Tastes like peanut butter.
Pineapple is a hybrid, half sativa, half indica. Helps relieve stress and anxiety. (
Starting Seeds
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If you are starting marijuana plants from seed, this may be a good time to start, depending on your location and climate. Most people seem to recommend starting seeds on a wet paper towel to see which ones are viable before planting in soil. You can fold a paper towel and put it inside a container and just sprinkle your cannabis seeds over the surface.
These here are on quart size plastic yogurt container lids with paper towels folded in quarters.
The really important thing is to keep it moist, water it a little bit every day so it does not dry out. When little sprouts come out, you can plant them in soil or growing medium. Good ganja!
Pot Saves Lives, Legalize!
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More evidence just in that Marijuana is Safer. On March 3, 2012 an article in the Wall Street Journal tells us that states which have legal medical marijuana (just medical!) saw an overall 8.7 percent drop in car accident fatalities between 1990 and 2009. This was in direct relation to a decrease in deaths that could be attributed to alcohol consumption. Proving once again, that if people have legal access to marijuana they will make safer, better decisions.
Great, good for them for compiling more scientific evidence of something marijuana advocates have been saying, with plenty of science to back them up, for decades! Marijuana provides many direct health benefits for people as well as many more externalized benefits (such as decreases in alcohol related fatalities) which society could enjoy if it would just get its head out of its ass long enough to legalize. There is overwhelming evidence, how much more do we need? Its time to do the right thing now and legalize.
Word to the Wise
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DAZE of the WEEK
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Medium density. Buds are tight, but spongy, crystally nugs have a whitish cast.
Powerful smell, sweet like pine and fruit.
Tastes like candy.
Recommended for patients with chronic pain. For me, the high is mellow. I feel good, but do not get knocked out. Stay active and motivated. A good wake n bake or just before work smoke. (The name Romulan comes from the joking comment that the high from this bud could dent your head, giving you Romulan like brow-ridges.