this Gift
0th, -
The Universe (or God, Allah, whatever you believe...) gave humanity the gift of sensimilla. This herb with incredibly diverse uses. For food, fiber, medicine, and recreation. It provides for the upliftment of our souls, for the enlightenment of our minds, and for the healing of our bodies. And then, rather than honoring the gift and giving thanks, some of those same humans make the very herb itself illegal to grow, possess, trade, buy, or smoke. How could we let that happen? What a terrible mistake! Truly a tavesty of enormous proportions.

I, for one, am heartbroken that this could happen. That we could live out our lives in denial of truth and right. It is unacceptable. The mistake must be reversed. The laws must be changed. Everything within our power to do must be done.

This is why I partake of the herb. This is why I am a fearless champion for cannabis and all its beneficial qualities. This is why I created this blog to speak out and help educate the masses.

If you don't know, or if you are not sure if I speak the truth, do your own research! Read about it. Get your hands on some and try it. Free your mind and the rest will follow.

That's my rant for the day. Thank you for bearing witness.
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